Website Updates

Team, we have fun and exciting news! Our CTF website is our new hub for information and community communication as well as continuing to be the place for SM and HC weekly and monthly reports, SA end of shift reports, and work and supply requests.

There are several CTF community pages including a calendar with everyone’s anniversary date and birthdays so that we don’t miss a chance to celebrate each other. There is also a place for you to make a post regarding pretty much anything you want. There is an Account page so that you can edit information about yourself and a Members page so that everyone can the information that you share. I was unable to find a few birthdays, so please make sure yours is there and that it is correct.

SM’s and HC’s there is a link to your Trello boards and to the CTF Wide and Work to be done boards as well.

In the near future there will be an opt in post for you to choose how you want to be notified about new posts so keep your eyes and ears open for that. In the meantime go to https://centraltexasfitness/ctf-community and let us know if you are or are not going to the Rangers game.

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